
The widgets will follow a subset of the SEMVER policy. The discrepancy being we will issue patches/bug fixes as well as enhancements under a minor version, not a patch version. In effect this means there are only two types of releases for a widget; breaking or non-breaking.

Releases are named according to a MAJOR.MINOR scheme, and only MAJOR versions releases may change or remove public APIs. MINOR versions may introduce new features so long as they are backwards compatible.

Major Versions – Breaking Changes

A major version bump means you should expect to make changes to any integration code. While we will do our best to keep breaking changes to a minimum, we will at times be required to change the public API, remove old features, etc.

What Constitutes a Breaking Change?

  • Removal of a previously supported public API e.g. removing a configuration option from a widget.
  • Removal of a feature e.g. removing zip code pickers from weather widgets.
  • Removal of an underlying data feed.

Minor Versions – Non-Breaking Changes

A bump Non-breaking changes mean we have not introduced any backwards-incompatible changes to the widget’s public API. These releases can be adopted without requiring code-changes.

What Constitutes a Non-Breaking Change?

  • A bug fix e.g. fixing a css display issue
  • Adding a new feature e.g. adding more layers to the Interactive Map Widget.