Common Issues

Browser Support

The widget’s require a complete ES5 spec-compliant environment, as well as support for CSS Flexbox.

  • Firefox – Firefox is fully supported. Current version plus the last two major versions.
  • Chrome – Chrome is fully supported. Current version plus the last two major versions.
  • Safari – Safari is fully supported. Current version plus the last two major versions.
  • Edge – Edge is fully supported. Current plus the last two versions.
  • Internet Explorer 11 – Internet Explorer 11 is mostly supported. Some versions of IE 11 may not support all features required by our widgets.

When widgets encounter an issue considered non-recoverable such as a missing or invalid API key or receives no data from one of their resources they will handle this in one of two ways.

  1. Log to the console – Widget’s will log debugging information to the console when they encounter an issue when parsing configuration or handling user input. If the behavior of a widget is not what you expected check the browser’s dev tool’s JavaScript console for relevant messages. Generally speaking, widgets will provide a message explaining the error and information on how to resolve it.
  2. Render a message in the DOM – Widget’s may render a message or error state to the DOM when they encounter an error parsing configuration or handling API calls.

What About Try/Catch?

Widget’s take all precautions necessary to prevent JavaScript Error s from bubbling up to user-land code. Wrapping component factor function calls with try/catch blocks will have no effect.